September 13, 2012

Evening Dresses

One of my favorite art blogs to visit is Draw This Dress. It features drawings of "fashion from old people," as their title says. Vera's way of drawing is one of the influences on my developing style (especially with my digital art). I love how she takes fashion illustration into something different, something very pleasing to the eye.

When I was younger, I remember wanting to become a fashion designer. Obviously, I've moved on from that dream of mine, but I still do enjoy drawing clothes and sketching out models. Recently, I've stumbled upon this image of two lovely evening dresses from the 1910s and said to myself, "Hey, these would be fun to draw!"

{ S O U R C E }
Evening Dresses
Jeanne Hallée, 1910s
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Here is the final outcome of my drawing of the dresses! It took me around 2 hours (minus all my cookie breaks) to get the lines, shading, and coloring right! The lines and shading may be a bit weird, but I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. Maybe I never let go of that fashion designer dream after all! 

P.S. And a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to One Direction's Niall Horan! Yay! 


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